December 08, 2005

Future of Sri Lankan Governance in the South

Well for Sri Lanka was doing well till November 2003, until CBK took over 3 key ministries Media, Defense, Interior ministries. She took over the 3 key ministries when Former Prime Minister went to USA for official visit invited by the USA Govt. Then in February 2004 she dissolved the parliment after promising the UNP Government that she will not dissolve the govt. until it has the majority in parliment. But she broke on the promise and dissolved on the 7th of February 2004 and called for general elections in April 2004. then suddenly the Colombo Stock Market collapsed.
Then from the general Election Sri Lanka's luck turned the other way since the PA + JVP party came on with the UPFA by deafing the UNP Govt. Many Investors going back.this is a short history what took place in SL. Coming back to the recent developments, SL will be going through a very bad time.
one suggession is that Ranil Wickramasinghe had a clear cut vision to take Sri Lanka forward. like wise Mahinda Rajapakse having taken 83 million from the Helping Hambantota account to a private account had no clear cut vision for the country. he was going through the whims and fancies of both JHU & JVP Ideologies.
In 2004 when Ranil was in power he had 64 mega projects which will be most benefiacial to the country. by inviting the Investors to the country. As the Prime Minister of Singapore Lee Kwan Yew had a clear vision to make Singapore the world's largest Transhippment port and also Mahathir Mohomed the premier of Malaysia too had vision to take the country on the correct path.
If Sri Lanka had great leaders such as the late president Premadasa and also like Ranil wickramasinghe the country would have been in a better position by now. I hope that Mr Ranil Wickramasinghr will get a chance to govern the country atleast for peirod in Sri Lanka. Sri Lanka is located in a better geographical location than singapore and larger than singapore and Sri Lanka has a competitive advantage over the other countries. So if Sri Lanka has given a chance to a great Leader in the caliber of Ranil Wickramasinghe for atleast 5 years it would be better off.
Sri Lanka needs large investors to come to the country and build factories and create employment opportunities so that it will automatically improve the living standards of the citizens of Sri Lanka.
I hope and prey that Sri lanka will come out of the rut that Sri lanka is in today very soon.


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