December 11, 2005

Research related work

A Trip to Maldives
I was able to get selected to go to conducta a survey in Maldives regarding the Investment Climate in Maldives for the World Bank. It was a priviledge for me to get selected from a group of 9 dynamic youth from Sri Lanka representing ACNielsen Sri Lanka.
We Conducted face to face indepth interviews with the Business community from a sample size of 150, from all fields such as Tourism( Hotels. Resorts) Transport & Logistics, Travel & tour Operators, and the Manufacturing Industry. We were stationed in KAM Hotel one of the 4 Star Hotels in Male'.
We were also lucky to go on a tourist Submarine to explore the sea at 50M depth.
we saw many coral rocks and fish, star fish, jelly fish, and sea mountains which was like in Heaven.
it was a good exposure and a good experiance for me in the end.


At 3:59 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey! Its nice to hear that you enjoyed while conducting the research. Keep it up.


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