December 11, 2005

Building Our Strategies

As the former Prime ministers of Singapore Lee Kwan Yew and the Malaysian premier Mahathir Mohammed’s vision that led the two countries in the developing paths as now both the countries are very much ahead of Sri Lanka in the 1960’s. But then Sri Lanka was very much ahead as they took Sri Lanka as a model to develop their country. As Singapore in a smaller country than Sri Lanka and they didn’t have much resources as Sri Lanka is having.

Sri Lanka too could have done better with the resources it had if the political leaders of our country had a clear vision to take our beautiful country forward to compete with the rest of the world like Singapore and Malaysia. Even our Present President Chandrika Kumaratunga, although she ruled the country for 11 years, she too, didn’t have a clear vision to drive the country forward unlike the former presidents like President Premadasa & J.R Jayawardane. But the present leader of the Opposition Ranil Wickramasinghe has a clear vision for the country. He understands the importance of having trade relations with foreign countries such as USA, European countries, India and Japan etc.

As in the case of Singapore the strategy that worked for them was the y understood the importance of developing the Port facilities to support as a Transit port that would enable them to take the maximum advantage of the location its country is situated. But it is fact that Sri Lanka is situated even in a better Location than Singapore and could have done better if we had leaders with a correct vision for the country, as we would have built a Port in Hambantota as a Transit Port to rest of the world to gain the advantage. Even as you take the Trincomalee Port its too is located in a strategically good location and has been one of the best Natural biggest harbors in the world. Even now its not too late if we could put our acts together and develop our country as a hub in the South Asian region to link to the world as the best Port as well as the best Airport if we expand and develop with all facilities and the technology it needs.

Today we need big investors who would come to the country and invest in mega projects such as infrastructure facilities, rail links, and good road network across the country, Power Projects etc. India have been able to get investors to have manufacturing plants to Mitshibishi, Toyota, electronic equipment manufacturing plants, IT & software companies, where these projects would give ample of job opportunities to the unemployed youth in the country. This would enable the local population to get the technology and a skilled work force to the country so that they could get the experience and some day India could open up factories of their own which they have done today, eve today they have their own vehicles to be proud of. Another step towards this is to open up Hotels and resorts to the up-market high spending holiday makers in the world and market them properly and effectively so that we could come up from the pit where we are today.

The way forward is to go with the trend, while building up synergies with other nations without trying to go alone. Unite we stand, divide we fall.


At 4:52 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good Comment
Keep up the good work
lets make our country work.

At 1:26 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good Comment
Keep up the good work
lets make our country work.

At 4:41 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Lalin,

Sri Lanka was called “Granary of the East” Asia before we got the independence. The elected government leaders have now ruined our resourceful island by inciting racism in the country and not considering the benefits of the citizens of Sri Lanka. They have always used the mean/racist politics as their tool to come to secure the Government and the current leadership also has followed the same path to grip the power.

I appreciate your thirst for seeking guidance from other world leaders. May Lord bless our island?


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