January 12, 2006

The Importance of e-governance in SL...

Sri Lanka is one of the many democratic countries in the world. sri Lanka has industries like any other country, which has the potential to drive the country towards development. To this end Sri Lanka should develop a good infrastructure to be transparent in what the elected party is doing, for all the concerned people to know. if this ICT road map in there there will be less problems and bottle necks for investors, thus creating a better environment for the large investors to are interested in our country.

In all developed coutries the IT industry is well developed where all sectors are well managed and m,aintained by the government. as it will create a less buracratic and a hassle free environment, paving the way for real economic growth.


At 12:41 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This Project will never begin...we have bein given the E srilanka project but still with the new Gov.its still pending..

Its high time that we go one step igher in the IT feild


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