December 26, 2005

Lessons from the achievments of Japan........

You may think that Sri Lanka is does not have the ability to creat jobs and do well in the economic and sociall fronts. but its not the case, as we as undergraduates could see. its has the ability to create miracles IF people are energertic and will work to achieve that goal definitely Sri lanka could do much more than Singapore or Maldives.

Japan after the world war when its country got destroyed from the Hiroshima & Nagasaki bombs, they started to re-build the country not only to that coountry it self but to rest of the world. That's why today their economy is so much developed and technology is advanced comparing with us. Did they have enough natural resources as we have? The answer is definitely NO.
They invented products to whole world by improving on quality products. they saved millions by not spending on R&D as european countries and the States did R&D for them and they did what the research showed where the potential was.
Take Motor vehicles (TOYOTA, NISSAN, MITHSUBISHI) Electronics and electrical equipments such as (SONY, PANASONIC, NATIONAL) a big market was created by the Japanese investors by exporting to all the european and asian countries as well as countries in the states. while european countries and the USA spend millions on & R&D the japanese took the maximum use of its findings.
In our case we only created products to only catered to our local population, where the mistake was...if we had clearly envisaged the far sighted approach we could have far ahead of Singapore Japan & China. In 1950's and 1960's Japan & Singapore was looking at us as an example for development. Now what has happened? Now we have to beg to other developed nations.
Actually to ask you what went wrong?? the answer to this is our past leaders didnt have a vision but they were only hungry for power.


At 11:56 pm, Blogger Preminda said...

Your right dude!!! Looking at geographical positioning and the availability of natural resources, we would have been a powerhouse in Asia, or even in the World!!!!
If you want me to single out a reason as to "why oh why?"... Mmm... i would say its with our very own people.. WE lack the PASSION!!!!!!!!

At 9:31 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with Preminda... We're living on a land with full of treasures, but none takes any advantage of it!
WHY, WHy???? We never say that we're PROUD to be Srilankans!
And there's NO DISCEPLENE amongst our people!!!!!!!!

At 12:40 am, Blogger Lalin Mendis said...

Thanks for the lovely coments hope you enjoy reading the articles and tell others to view this site and tell them to do the same too.
Thanks guys and gals.

At 1:00 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

dude u name it.... we have everything in our country.. It’s an island full of natural treasure.. But we didn’t have a visionary leader to lead the country. As u mention our leaders' power hunger and selfishness had destroyed the countries prospect.


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