January 31, 2006

Gen. Anurudha Ratwatte's judgement causes panic in Courts over injustice to the Army personnel...

In the Udathalawinna massacre which happened in Dec 2001 elections is a mystery to the whole Sri Lankan public, where the former defense minister was involved and found guilty but after 3 years the rulling had been given in favour of Mr. Anurudhha Ratwatte and his sons. this has crewated unprofessi\onalism to the Legal deprtment of the country wghich is the supreme court.
for this instance 10 innoicent young army soldiers were sentanced to death. which not the correct thing to do.
should thios be appealed in the courts again second verdict to be given....................................????

An Open letter to Mahinda Rajapakshe

Dear Mr. President,

It is high time that we start implementinmg the power sector reforms as to develop either Cioal power plant in Trincomalee, Hambanmtoita or in Norochcholai. this has put a great burden on the citizens as they have to pay high tariffs to the CEB and with the high cost of living it is a great burden on them. Upto my knowledge the Norochcholai location is not good where upon other 2 locations are much better as the feasibility studies which was carried our spending Millions.

Also i intended on telling that the govt shjould invest more on the fisheries industry as it has the potential to become tha best foreign income earner to the country. for this SL should develop Deep sea fishing by buying multiday fisshing boats which could go to the deep sea, in both day and night. with trawlers and with the help from the donor countries and joint vebtures with other fishing countries as to get the maxixmum capacity to tap the market potential in way to get the latest techniology. Also it needs to agree with the LTTE to allow fishing in the North & East seas mainly in Batticoloa where there is sea area of over 14,000 acres prawn farming alone. the wild catch from these areas will improve the supply for the countryu to export and find more revenue to the country. in Billions and not in millions. upto noe we get around us $100 million from this ector alone. if it its done properly we can achive the target of us $500 million.

Provide proper infrastructure Facilities around the country and build more Sea and air port to facilitate more foreigners and trade to the country.
Give incentives to the tourist industry to gain the competetive advantage where Ecoi Tourism is concerned.

Concerned Citizen

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