January 14, 2006

Mahinda eats his own humble pie, fall prey to Ranil's Policies...

President Mahinda Rajapakshe has said yesterday friday the 13th January 2006, that there will be a decision taken on the venue for the Peace talks with the LTTE rebels. this discussion will take place in Temple Trees with all parties, including JVP , JHU and UNP.

He is aiming to to establish a southern consensus on the venue. He aslo said that he will not have a specific agenda nor a specific time peirod but allow the discussion to proceed with an open mind.

Isnt it the same policy that the UNP leader had? What did Mahinda pledged to the public.....? in stages proior to election...? Isnt he going against what he preached to the public?? against JVP & JHU policies........? UItimately whose policies has won at the end of the day..................?

January 13, 2006

The Importance of Trade Agreements.......

it is true that developing countries like Sri Lanka needs to have more FTA with other countries to get the benefits of trading internationally, to minimise the deficit of the Balance of Payment in the overall budget.

We have FTA with countries such as India, EU, and so on. we need to built up more relationships with other nations with coutries toi get more benefits to our country while trading with other countries. example, with the US, China, Pakistan, Malasia, UK etc. not only trade pacts but also defence pacts to assists us when ever we need assistance from the global players in the world.

When the former Prime miinister Ranil Wickramnasinghe visited USA in nov 2003, our great l;ady who has won the wrath did a great thing which we still enjoy. it is that she took over three key portfolios and dissolved the parkiment on a latter day. that put the country backwards that she nows call foul play for what Mahinda rajapakshe did. for agreeing with JVP & JHU. only to defeat UNP's Ranil Wickreamasinghe and his far sighted poilicies which will enhance the development of our great country.

We have SAARC, SAPTA, GATT, BIMSTEC, G7 , ASEAN , OPEC , NAFTA, UN , IMF, WB, WTO to name a few of great trade agreements. where we benefit.

Basic rules of the General Trade agreemnts on Tariffs and trade.
  • There should not be discrimination in trade.
  • Domestic industry should be protected only through customs tariffs.
  • Dumping band subsidies should not interfere with fair competetion.
  • Tariffs should be reduced through multilateral negotiations and bound against subsequent increases.

Discrimination in Trade

  • Cyrtail or restrict to help local industry
  • quota in imports
  • country preferance

Protection through tariffs

  • imported items can be charged a higher tax in order toi protect local industry.
  • However imports can not be restricted to protect local industry.

to be continued ....

Will there be a Elaam war 4.....?

There was a four years of cease fire between the GOSL and the LTTE. now after the presidential elections in November 2005, there were manmy attacks killing around more than 50 soldiers and destroying a Navy FAC in trincomalee.

Now the question is will the LTTE go for the last war against Elaam to get theie pound of flesh from the Sinhalese???

As President Rajapakshe visited India to convene the Indian Govt to Help Sri Lanka if a War BZreaks out where the Indian Govt put down the offer, while eloborating to implement the startegies put down by Ranil Wickramasinghe.

Do we want a another bloody war to destroy our country and puit the country backwards?????

It will be great if the Govt. joins with the UNP and sideline the hardline JVP & JHU putting the country first than thinking in therms of self or the party.
Your comments and suggessions arte most welcome.....

Finest boutiques and Hotels you should visit...

Sri Lanka is a country that has mant resources to offer to the great travellers who visit the country. Kandalama Hotel designed by Sri Lankan born Jeffery Bawa a situated in the jungles in Dumbulla is a 5 star Hotel managed by Aitken Spence Group. Another breathtaking boutique hotel is which is also situated in Dumbulla is known as "Elephant Corridor which is targeted at the high end market.
We should built more and more hotels and boutiques such as this, wgere there is a demand since the two hotels are booked right throughout the year, bring foriegn income to the coutry. if you a vety dynamic traveller and adventureous here's a great opportunity to travel and explore the beauty of nature.
Elephant Corridor
Elephant Corridor

Hotel Kandalama

Sigirya Rock Fortress buitd by King Kashyapa.

January 12, 2006

Has the BOI and Tourist board done their part.........?

You all know abouth the BOI which is the center of investment to Sri Lanka where foreigh investors come and poledge their concerns towards Sri Lanka. Other countries like India has proved since the big companies such as Mercedez Benz ands BMW ahs agreed to open up factories in India, while Sri Lanka has not done that part. Instead Sri Lanka has been successful iuj letting the companies that were told to pull outr from their countries ot other contries to set up their factories in SL, while getting the tax holiday running to 10 long years. after their 10 years of operations then they closed down the business and open undwer a new name to get another 10 yrars of tax Holiday.Can the BOI do their part as to take Sri lanka Forward....?

The Importance of e-governance in SL...

Sri Lanka is one of the many democratic countries in the world. sri Lanka has industries like any other country, which has the potential to drive the country towards development. To this end Sri Lanka should develop a good infrastructure to be transparent in what the elected party is doing, for all the concerned people to know. if this ICT road map in there there will be less problems and bottle necks for investors, thus creating a better environment for the large investors to are interested in our country.

In all developed coutries the IT industry is well developed where all sectors are well managed and m,aintained by the government. as it will create a less buracratic and a hassle free environment, paving the way for real economic growth.

A chorus for Lanka

"This Land is my Land, This Land is your Land,
From Point Pedro, To Dondra Head.
From Colombo City To Batticaloa.
This Land belongs to You and Me."

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