December 16, 2005

Power Sector needs Re-Structuring or rather Privatisation

Sri Lanka has been over the past years have not implement or Built Hydro Power plants or or other alternative energy sources such as Coal power plants in the country. They loose out millions by not implementing the planned out strategies. Also it needs to be modernise or privertise the Power sector to be among a competetive and efficient public entity in the country.
They have come up with Norochcholai, Trincomalee and Hambantota as the ear marker site to these proposed projects. I think the best option is not Norochcholai but it would be Hambantota or else Trincomalee. Since the Civil War is putting our developing plans on behind schedule as the investment is large as the country can not afford since of the War and to finance for the war and pay the dues to the other nations where we purchased our war equipments. As the India has indirect control over trincomalee as they have bought over the Oil tank farm. The Japanese and the other foreign nation who did the feasibility studies have shown that Norochcholai is not the best location out of the 3 sites. if they buit there they should have to built a rail link from Trincomalee to transport the coal or else they have to build a mid sea jetty off 4.5km which is going to be very costly.


At 2:33 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

True, although Sri Lanka over the past years, have planned to expand their Power capacity, they have not implement it due to Political Pressures.

At 2:34 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good article keep it up, your hard work,


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